With unexpected lockdown extensions and uncertain time of daily-life continual, all we could do is make the best out of the quarantine time, to stay strong inside-out. What else is the best way to break the anxiety of isolation other than some care for the space you spend your 24x7 at? Our homes have officially become our all-day-everyday place of stay, and it’s only better if we give it a good look with some simple ideas!
Here are our TOP 3 IDEAS perfect for the late-quarantine time:

Lights are literally the ones that light up the space. Even when turned off, they can add a great deal of visual value to the interiors! Crafty luminaires in particular, add a rich artistic sense in the space that could even make the light, a stand-out décor. The best part is that the luminaire crafts are variegated and available at a number of outlets, some of which have specially handcrafted works by artisans.
Here are our best picks for you to try:
Try minimal lights with a pop of colours. These bright light additions add more volume to the space due to their solid build. With a tasteful selection of the dominant color, the lights can be a great element in minimalist interior architecture where there is a “solid or sleek only” case with décor.

Re-introduce the filament-flaunting vintage light bulbs! The old warm-toned light bulbs that reflect the beauty of their tungsten filament and it’s bronzy appeal, can be a great choice of light, particularly for outdoors. These vintage-valuables are the go-to luminaire choices while creating an industrial look with the interiors, owing to their explicit design.


We all couldn’t stop remembering the dozens of travel journeys we had before COVID-19 locked us up in our homes. But do we remember the dozens of souvenirs we have collected in the memory of those travel times? No need to hide them in boxes or lofts! Bring them to the show as reminders of all the outdoor fun and make them your new showpieces.
Here are our best picks for you to try:
Try placing the artsy pieces on a stand! Most souvenirs aren’t just meant for the shelves. If they have a stand-alone kind of beauty, make them a solo décor piece and let them catch all the eyes. Moreover, it would be the right attention for the special souvenir that must’ve cost you a fortune!

Some souvenirs serve more than a decorative purpose! They can become your new pots or pen stands without being a mere addition to your showpieces. Convert them into some functioning décor and dedicate a separate wall or a zone for the souvenir theme. You can even name the place!
“The Wall of Wooden Wonders” – How does that sound?


Words are the voice of your home. Turn “The” Home into “My” home with some personalization attempts through the communicative quotes framed across your space. Those words from the quotes at your place will let anyone understand if you’re a green lover, optimist or an artistic mind. All you have to do is give some alphabets to your belief!
Here are our best picks for you to try:
Have a minimal take on the appeal! Words communicate the best when they are the only focus. Nevertheless, you can always pair them with an art by the side and create some theme or even a relatable story it could spark together! For instance, when the quote is about the “Miracle”, the nearby “Abstract” art induces our mind to imagine a magical deer on any fanatical form. This is how the interior stories is born.

Speaking of you needn’t always involve quotes. It could be a play of letters, your own initials or any other individual-specific addition. An oversized display of a letter or a word held with a personal meaning can talk a lot about the person owning the space!

Have you made a mark on your space with some interior tips? Now is the time!
Make the quarantine time worth it!
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